Typically an adult needs approximately 8 hours of sleep a day, although this varies from person to person. Insomnia can arise from many different causes ranging from physiological (pregnancy, medical conditions) to psychological (stress, mental health). Insomnia can be temporary lasting only a few days, short-term (weeks) or chronic in nature (lasting more than 3 weeks). At Como Compounding Pharmacy we can provide treatment options for all types of insomnia.

There are natural hormones involved in controlling the body’s circadian rhythms (internal “body clock”) and sleep regulation. Normally, the production levels of these hormones decrease in daylight and are increased at night. Supplementation of these hormones can be a common method to treat insomnia.

Our Services

We compound insomnia treatments in a range of forms including capsules, troches and solutions.

We also offer a range of naturopathic, herbal and medical products to assist sleep.


For more information, contact our pharmacists via our contact page, or ask in-store.